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UK: Truck Driver Disproves Speed Camera Ticket
UK truck driver uses on-board computer device to prove speed camera inaccuracy.

Speed camera
Ian Clayton, a 34-year-old truck driver from Overseal, UK proved last week that a speed camera was wrong. The camera located in Henhurst Hill in Burton accused Clayton of driving 40 MPH in a 30 MPH zone on September 20, 2004.

Clayton's truck, however, was equipped with a tacograph -- a device that constantly records the truck's speed. The tacograph showed the driver was doing only 26 MPH at the time.

After six months spent fighting the ticket, Clayton presented his tacograph evidence to the court and the Crown Prosecution Service dismissed the charges.

Article Excerpt:
"There's no stress in this job — until you get wrongly flashed by a speed camera. This has cost someone, somewhere a lot of money and it's a waste of the taxpayers' money. I knew I was right all along." [Clayton said]
Source: Trucker clears his name in six-month legal fight (Burton Mail (UK), 3/18/2005)

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