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Australia: Faulty Speed Camera Ties Up Traffic
Faulty speed camera becomes a traffic hazard in New South Wales, Australia.

 Woy Woy South Public School
A faulty speed camera in New South Wales, Australia has been malfunctioning for weeks, tying up local traffic. The camera, located on Ocean Beach Road outside Woy Woy South Public School, was listed on the Roads and Traffic Authority website traffic report as a "faulty speed camera" causing delays.

Officials claimed that only the flash is faulty and not the camera itself. Many other Australian cameras have had problems, including those on Carlingford Road and Spit Road in Sydney and the Wollongong suburb of Balgownie. Victoria spent $26 million refunding tickets after a Melbourne cameras were found to be faulty.

Last year, 14 percent of tickets in South Australia -- 31,402 -- were issued to individuals who had proven they were not driving at the time of the offence. An additional 5351 had their fines cancelled because they could prove they that they did not deserve a ticket, e.g. they were responding to an emergency or there was an error on the part of the camera.

Article Excerpt:
Gosford police highway patrol officer Constable Adam Phillips said it was common knowledge the camera had been malfunctioning. "That's what it has been doing recently," he said. "It was maybe a couple of weeks ago, it was playing up a little bit ... it was flashing at random. Some of the fellows here have seen it."
Source: Police criticise faulty NSW speed camera (Daily Telegraph (Sydney, Australia), 4/1/2005)

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