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Australian Government Witness Says Speed Cams Misused
Expert Victoria, Australia witness says speed camera photos showing stationary cars should be thrown out.

Victoria Parliament
Thomas Mulcare, an expert witness tapped by the Victoria, Australia government to test the accuracy of radar guns, testified that police are misusing speed cameras according to their own guidelines. In a trial before Cairns Magistrates Court, Mulcare cited the Victoria Police manual which instructs police not to use radar where other metallic objects and vehicles are within the device's line-of-sight. This could cause the radar to reflect and generate erroneous readings.

Mulcare testified that police have not been rejecting speed camera photos even when possible sources of reflection were visible in the shot. "Based on Mr Mulcare's evidence, it's clear that Victorian motorists are being fined and prosecuted using questionable images," said Shadow Attorney General Andrew McIntosh.

Article Excerpt:
"If Mr Mulcare is right, the Government has committed fraud on thousands and thousands of Victorian motorists who have paid fines when the police know that their photographic evidence cannot be relied upon. The Government must identify the extent of the problem and repay all of those fines," [McIntosh said.]
Source: Expert casts doubt on radar guns (Herald Sun (Australia), 4/17/2005)

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