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Protest Scheduled Against New UK Highway Cameras
A drive to protest UK speed cameras is scheduled for April 30.

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A road safety group has announced it will protest the new speed cameras on Britain's M4 highway at the end of the month. The protest is being organized by Robin Summerhill, a 52-year-old housing consultant who says he's fed up with cameras.

Summerhill argues that the cameras send the wrong message. They tell motorists that, "I can go down the pub and get blind drunk, then drive home in an uninsured and dangerous vehicle and, as long as I don't break the speed limit, I can get away with it," Summerhill said.

Drivers and motorcyclists will be gathering at 10am on Saturday 30th April 2005 at two motorway service stations - one in the east of Wiltshire and one in the west. More information is available on the organization's website.

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