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UK: Speed Camera Falsely Accuses Woman of Speeding
Dorset, UK woman wrongly accused by a speed camera.

Donna Frampton. Dorset Echo photo
A speed camera in Bournemouth, UK issued a speed camera ticket to an innocent mother of two children. Donna Frampton, 32, received a photo ticket that claimed she had been driving 58 MPH in a 50 zone on Wessex Way at 1:20pm on June 7.

Frampton happened to remember that she had not been speeding on that particular day and demanded a copy of the photograph from the authorities. Within two hours, the charges against her were dropped. Unlike the US practice, UK speed camera tickets generally do not include a photograph of the alleged incident. This encourages motorists to pay fines without attempting to verify that they are accurate.

"I'm relieved it wasn't me," Frampton told the Dorset Echo. "But how many people wouldn't have queried it and just handed over the £60? I can remember a car shooting past me, but I don't remember the camera flashing or anything."

The camera had photographed another car and wrongly accused Frampton. Despite the error, the Dorset Safety Camera Partnership maintains that rigorous checks are in place to prevent mistakes. Moreover, the partnership asserts that, "it has achieved a 99.99 percent detection accuracy record since commencing operation in April 2002."

Source: I Knew It Wasnt Me Caught On Camera (Dorset Echo (UK), 6/22/2006)

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