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Australia: Camera Cutbacks and Unjust Tickets
Paperwork mistakes and cutbacks dimmed the image of speed cameras in Victoria, Australia.

Glenn Walters
Paperwork mistakes and cutbacks dimmed the image of speed cameras in Victoria, Australia.

Speed camera operator Tenix announced it will cut back late night ticketing operations in light of recent attacks on those operating the mobile units in the state of Victoria. Operations will run from 5am to 8pm instead of 11pm -- a low-volume and therefore low-profit time of night.

In Wodonga, traffic camera police issued a court summons and $544 fine on war veteran Glenn Walters, 56, even though he had done nothing wrong. On March 14 at 10am, Walters was stopped at a police roadblock near a shopping center. Walters' Ford station wagon was fully registered at the time -- but not according to police records. Walters was slapped with a big fine and forced to abandon his vehicle. Police were not interested when he explained that he was innocent. Instead, he was told him to get VicRoads to sort out the mess. On May 15, police reissued the notice and in late June he was told he would have to go to court unless he paid up.

After the story appeared in the Border Mail newspaper, police joined VicRoads in apologizing for the error. VicRoads had temporarily suspended his registration for 48 hours in order to process a refund -- they had done this the day he was stopped at the roadblock.

Source: Glitch haunts angry driver (Border Mail (Australia), 7/1/2006)

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