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Australia: Speed Camera Tickets Man for Driving 59 in a 60 Zone
A speed camera in St Leonards, Australia tickets a man driving 1km/h under the speed limit.

Speed camera
A speed camera in St Leonards, Australia mailed a ticket to a man for driving 59km/h (36 MPH) in a zone with a 60 km/h (37 MPH) speed limit. John Mitchell had been driving on Bluff Road on April 9, trying to get to his destination without a ticket. When one arrived in the mail, Mitchell's wife Renie was prepared to just pay the A$134, but John Mitchell knew he was never speeding. When the Mitchells checked, they discovered that, in fact, the speed limit on the road where he had been "caught" was 60km/h.

Dozens of other motorists may also have been issued tickets and had demerit points imposed on their licenses for driving less than the speed limit.

"It was on Easter Monday, which is a peak time," Renie Mitchell explained to the Geelong Advertiser newspaper. "What if people are busy and have not had a chance to look at it properly or who are unable to check and paid the fine?"

Geelong and VicRoads officials said that they would investigate.

Source: Man fined for driving under the limit (Geelong Advertiser (Australia), 6/5/2007)

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