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Speed camera blaze in England
Speed Cameras Smashed And Burned in UK, Germany
Vigilantes in Germany and the UK each disabled a pair of speed cameras last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports In Walldorf, Germany, on Saturday, a group of young vigilantes were seen relocating the mobile speed camera that had been operating near Kressehof. Local police have no idea who might be responsible for preventing the device from generating automated citations. On Wednesday, the speed camera on the B27 in Hunfeld was destroyed after it failed to prevent an accident. An 87-year-old woman smashed into the automated ticketing machine and ...

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Never speed cameras
French Speed Cameras Trashed
Motorcyclists continued to protest new regulations by bagging and tagging speed cameras in France.

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French motorcyclists protest
Motorcyclists Protest In France, Australian Photo Radar Van Smashed
French motorists disable every freeway speed camera in Toulouse, France. Australian photo radar van attacked.

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Tired speed camera
France, Germany: Tires And Spraypaint Take Down Speed Cameras
Five speed cameras were disabled in France and Germany last week using tires and spraypaint.

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Spraypainted German speed camera
Inaccurate Speed Camera Reading Triggers Vigilante Action
Spanish government refunded inaccurate speed camera tickets last week while cameras were disabled in France and Germany.

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