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British man blocks speed camera
France, UK: Speed Cameras Blocked
British motorist blocked a speed camera while vigilantes in France spraypainted several automated ticketing machines last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports A man thwarted a speed camera in Hull, England, on July 25 by standing on the sidewalk. While he was there, talking on his mobile phone, the automated ticketing van on on Saltshouse Road was unable to photograph passing motorists. One of the most attacked speed cameras in France, the device on the RD1029 in Proyart, was

Ohio Supreme Court
Ohio Supreme Court To Decide Homeowner Liability For Damage To Car
Driver paralyzed after hitting reinforced roadside mailbox takes lawsuit against homeowner to the Ohio Supreme Court.

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Speed camera rammed in Winnipeg
Anti-Camera Activity Steps Up During Protests In France
A Canadian speed camera is flattened by a motorist while anti-camera vigilantes in France stepped up attacks during anti-government protests.

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Rekor logo
License Plate Camera Maker Faces Swarm Of Fraud Lawsuits
Failed Oklahoma license plate camera experiment sparks investor lawsuit against Rekor Systems.

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Spraypainted speed camera in Italy
France, Italy: Vigilantes Block Speed Cameras
Fire and spraypaint thwarted a half dozen speed cameras in Italy and France last week.

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