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Lankford motorcycle remains
Arkansas: Federal Judge Clears Cop Who Intentionally Crashed Fleeing Motorcyclist
Motorcyclist loses federal lawsuit against police officer who stopped a chase by forcing him to crash.

A federal judge on Monday rejected the lawsuit filed by a motorcyclist who lost his leg when a police officer intentionally positioned his squad car to cause a crash ending a chase. Unlike most chases, the pursuit of Christopher A. Lankford, the 30-year-old motorcyclist, did not begin with a crime or traffic violation. On October 10, 2018, Morrilton, Arkansas Police Officer Taylor Dube saw a passenger, Jerry Davis, had fallen off the back of Lankford's 2007 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX n ...

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Burned Lempaut speed camera
France: A Few Speed Cameras Disabled
A quiet week in France saw only a handful of speed cameras toppled, torched and spraypainted.

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Bishop Grandin violation chart
Canada: Yellow Time Increase Slashes Red Light Violations
New data show the increased yellow times at two red light camera intersections in Winnipeg, Canada cut violations 75 percent.

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Milly-la-Foret speed camera
France, Italy: Yet More Speed Cameras Sprayed And Scorched
More than a dozen speed cameras were disabled or destroyed in France and Italy last week.

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Verra Mobility money flow
Speed Camera, Tolling Giant Loses $3.4 Million
Tolling slump and speed camera installation misconduct sent Verra Mobility profits into the red in 2020.

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