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Spraypainted and burned speed camera
Maryland, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Blasted
Speed camera swiped in Maryland, camera caught causing accident in Germany, and French photo radar burned last week.

Vigilantes in Montgomery County, Maryland, swiped a speed camera on Friday. The fully automated device had been stationed on the side of the road of East West Highway in Chevy Chase. Photo radar devices are intended to change the behavior of motorists, but the unintended consequences that can follow from this became clear in Seevetal, Germany. As a 21-year-old motorcyclist approached police off ...

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Justice Peter J. Rubin
Massachusetts Court Reins In Pretext Stop And Search
Appeals Court says Massachusetts traffic cops may no longer use a pretext stop to impound and search a car.

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Burning speed camera in France
Attacks On French Speed Cameras Slow With Lockdown
Pressure to further limit travel in France meant fewer speed cameras were disabled last week.

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Rep. Curt Nisly
Virus Scare Being Used To Advance Indiana, Virginia Speed Cameras
Indiana House advances a bill to install speed cameras on freeways while Virginia jurisdictions race to become first to install photo radar.

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French speed camera chopped down
Belgian, French And Italian Speed Cameras Attacked
Placing speed cameras on poles failed to save them from destruction in France, but Italy says poles will protect their cameras.

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