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Cash photo by Pictures of Money/Flickr
Foreign Speed Camera Companies Pocket Millions In Bailout Cash
The foreign providers of red light cameras and speed cameras collected up to $9 million in federal pandemic bailout cash.

Foreign providers of red light cameras and speed cameras have pocketed millions in federal taxpayer bailouts in the wake of the Covid-19 virus scare. Data released by the Small Business Administration and US Treasury indicate that photo ticketing companies, including firms based overseas and embroiled in scandal, collected up to $9 million in subsidies under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Although technically a loan, the PPP funding is "forgivable" -- that is, the company does not pa ...

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Spraypainted Saudi speed camera
Speed Camera Troubles Resume Worldwide
Automated ticketing machines around the world failed or were disabled last week. Camera in Italy accused Ford Focus of speeding at 436 MPH.

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Cedar Rapids city council
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Loses $1.2 Million Speed Camera Lawsuit
Settlement agreement refunds $1.2 million illegally collected from speed camera ticket recipients in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

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German speed camera cut down
France, Germany, UK: Speed Cameras Slashed
Vigilantes in Wales and Germany attacked speed cameras last week while anti-camera activities in France returns to a near-daily pace.

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Judge Thomas Logue
Florida Appellate Judges Rescue Red Light Camera Program
Florida Court of Appeal rejects challenge to the business rules between cities and red light camera vendors.

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