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Daniel Cameron
Kentucky: Federal Judge Asked To Overturn Virus Scare Driving Ban
Federal judge issued an order over the weekend allowing the Kentucky attorney general to challenge the state ban on interstate travel.

Kentucky's elected officials are battling in federal court over the government's right to ban travel during a virus scare. On one side, Governor Andy Beshear (D) says the prohibition is essential for public safety. On the other, Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R) says the governor's directive is unconstitutional. In an order Saturday, Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove sided partially with Beshear in throwing out all of the plaintiffs in the case -- besides Cameron -- on procedural grounds. In ...

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French speed camera in a ditch
France: Speed Cameras Burned, Painted
Vigilante action against speed cameras slow to resume in France with a handful of attacks reported last week.

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UC Davis Covid report
California Study Exposes Myth Of Lockdown Superspeeding
University of California traffic data show crashes down during virus lockdown. Motorist speeds remain the same.

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Italian speed camera wreckage
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Vigilantism Slows
French government sees steep drop in photo ticket profit from vigilante action in 2019. Only a handful of cameras were attacked last week in Europe.

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David J. Raimondo
New York Court Rejects Excessive Red Light Camera Fees
New York county court declares extra administrative fee for red light camera tickets unconstitutional.

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