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French roadblock
France Issues 915,000 Lockdown Tickets To Drivers
France on target to issue a million tickets to drivers traveling without properly endorsed travel papers.

France continues to use its police force to crack down on motorists during the virus scare. A weekend roadblock was set up to stop everyone traveling on the A9 freeway near Montpellier airport to demand their travel papers, for example. Those traveling without a government-approved purpose -- about a third of ...

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Bret Lusskin
Federal Appeals Court Hears Case About Excessive Red Light Camera Fees
Eleventh Circuit US Court of Appeals hears oral arguments in $29 million case over Florida red light camera fees.

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Macron art
Speed Cameras And Related Art Disappear In France, Germany
Speed camera art exhibit disappears in France. Vigilantes grab a German photo radar unit.

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Frank D. Celebrezze
Ohio Appeals Court Restores Class Action Against Speed Cameras
Court of Appeals restores class action lawsuit against the admittedly illegal use of speed cameras in Cleveland, Ohio.

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Transurban worker
Toll Roads Falter During Pandemic
Traffic is down by two-thirds on US toll roads, threatening the revenue model of the foreign companies that operate them.

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