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Smashed speed camera in Austria
Austria, Germany: Speed Cameras Smashed During Pandemic
German officials remind drivers not to wear masks so speed cameras can photograph them. Austrians smash seven speed cameras.

Vigilantes in Austria disabled seven speed cameras on the B34 between Gars am Kamp and Langenlois on April 6. The automated ticketing machines had their lenses smashed, according to Landespolizeidirektion Niederosterreich. Officials in Germany remind motorists that wearing a face mask while driving is illegal and subject to a 60 euro (US $65) fine. The law requires a positive identification of the driver in speed camera photos. If the driver cannot be identified from the photo, the owner of ...

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Mariya Frost
OPINION: Latest travel data show why induced demand remains just a theory
Commentary by Mariya Frost, Washington Policy Center, argues the drop in traffic from the COVID-19 virus exposes holes in the induced demand theory.

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French police stop
France: Lockdown Profit Replaces Lost Speed Camera Cash
The French government turns virus crisis into a source of profit with tickets for non-essential travel.

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No stop bar location
Florida: Federal Judge Scolds Cops For Inventing Imaginary Traffic Offense
Judge says Fourth Amendment has no meaning if motorists can be pulled over for failing to stop at the stop bar of an intersection with no such bar.

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Covid virus attacks Redflex
Red Light Camera Company Profits Crash During Pandemic
Worldwide virus lockdowns threaten the financial viability of red light and speed camera companies.

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