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French checkpoint
French Government Cracks Down On Motorists During Pandemic
French government cracks down on motorists during coronavirus, while vigilantes resume anti-speed camera operations.

French officials are facing a massive drop-off of revenue as vehicle traffic has plunged by an estimated 70 percent due to the coronavirus containment order preventing travel that government officials deem "non essential." Motorists must present a certificate stating exact departure time for each trip, with hefty fines of up to 3750 euros (US $4188) in place for anyone who stays out for more than one hour (view the travel certificate in a 150k PDF ...

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Rob Coleman
Federal Judge Reaffirms Right To Flip Off Virginia Cops
Federal judge overturns jury verdict that had exonerated a cop enraged by a passenger who flipped him off.

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295 photo from Google Maps
Motorists Sue Over DC Speed Camera Trap
Federal class action lawsuit filed over Washington, DC speed camera operating behind a single, hard to see speed limit change sign.

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Toppled French speed camera
Calls To Shut Down Speed Cameras Around The World Over Coronavirus
Jurisdictions around the world last week began reducing the use of speed cameras in light of the pandemic.

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Jacie C. Zolna
Illinois: Federal Lawsuit Takes On Towing For Profit
Lawyer takes on car confiscation for profit in Chicago, Illinois.

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