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Tim Eyman
Washington Judge Reinstates Vote To Lower Car Taxes
Washington state judge reverses course and allows most of Initiative 976 to take effect, lowering car registration fees to $30.

The votes of over a million Washington state residents in favor of lowering car registration fees (known as tabs) will now count. King County Superior Court Judge Marshall Ferguson on Thursday formally reversed his injunction that had blocked the "$30 car tabs" Initiative 976 from taking effect. Initiative sponsor Tim Eyman, a Republican candidate for governor, was pleased by the result while cautioning that local government has not given up on trying to evade the law. "Everyone's vehicle cos ...

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Tipped over Italian speed camera
Belgium, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Attacks Slow
Attacks on speed cameras slow worldwide as Covid-19 virus cases multiply.

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WMCA report cover
UK Council Admits Ultimate Goal Is Banning All Cars
A British multi-city authority introduces plan to ban private ownership of automobiles by 2041.

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Leroy Moore Jr
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Papers Please Roadblock
Fourth Circuit US Court of Appeals says roadblocks for the sole purpose of checking driver paperwork are constitutional.

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William A Helm
Illinois Traffic Signal Consultant Charged With Bribing State Senator
Third person indicted in federal red light camera bribery investigation.

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