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Judge Abigail M. LeGrow
Delaware Court: No Appeal For Red Light Camera Ticket Because Fine Too Small
Delaware court denies appeal of a $172 red light camera ticket because only fines over $100 can be appealed.

Recipients of red light camera tickets in Delaware cannot challenge the citation in court because the $172 fine is worth less than $100 by the reckoning of the Delaware Superior Court. Judge Abigail M. LeGrow last month denied the appeal of Stanley C. Lowicki, whose car was photographed by a red light camera while allegedly traveling through a red light at the intersection of Route 72 at Kenmore Drive on May 18, 2017. Because he was not actually behind the wheel at the time of the alleged inf ...

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School Bus
Latest NHTSA Report: No School Bus Passing Deaths In 2017
US Department of Transportation statistics show that school bus drivers cause more child fatalities than passing motorists.

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Eleanor Holmes Norton
US House Debates Monetizing Congestion
US House hearing explores both sides of the use of tolls to convert traffic jams into a revenue source.

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Blaylock and Moody
Mississippi: Top Cop, Clerk Busted Over Fake Speeding Tickets
Police chief and city clerk in Ecru, Mississippi admit they faked speeding tickets in order to embezzle cash.

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French speed camera charred
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Charred, Junked
Vigilantes across France continue destroying speed cameras while an automated ticketing machine in Italy causes a massive freeway crash.

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