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2002 Camaro
Alabama Cop Busted For Towing Cars From Lawn
Alabama Court of Appeals says police officer can be sued for confiscating without due process cars parked on a lawn.

A police officer and a tow truck company are on the hook for taking a pair of dirt-covered cars from a resident's lawn in Center Point, Alabama. The Alabama Court Of Civil Appeals last month ruled that Dorothy McDonald could hold both deputy sheriff Robert Keahey and Foster Wrecker Service personally liable for grabbing a 2002 Chevy Camaro and a 1984 Buick Regal from her property. A city ordinance prohibited storing junked cars in locations readily visible from the street or to neighbors. On ...

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Baltimore roadblock
Maryland Court Upholds Seat Belt Ticket Roadblocks
Police stopping drivers at intersections to check seatbelt use is not a checkpoint, Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled.

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Joseph R McMahon
Louisiana Appeals Court Upholds Class Action Against Red Light Cameras
Louisiana Court of Appeals orders New Orleans to refund $26 million in illegally issued red light camera tickets.

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SIPTU strike
Irish Speed Camera Workers Strike Against Redflex
Irish speed camera van drivers voted to go on strike against GoSafe, a private company partially owned by Redflex.

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Gunfire blasted speed camera
Argentina, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Tipped, Shot, Torched
Speed cameras in South America and Europe were destroyed using a number of different tactics last week.

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