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Sussex, UK: Enforcement Kills More People
Using the logic of the Sussex, UK government, speed cameras killed 4 people in 2004.

Sussex police
When statistics are favorable, local governments can't wait to credit cameras. This is precisely what the Sussex, UK camera operators did last April, saying "Speed cameras in Sussex saved the taxpayer 6 million GBP, earned 2.3 million GBP in fines and prevented three deaths last year." Bad news for them is that 4 more deaths occurred this year than last, despite draconian enforcement efforts, including "Operation Roller". By their own logic that means 8 million GBP in new costs to the taxpayers, on top of the 2.3 million GBP speed cameras have collected from 1,000 motorists ticketed every single week.

Article Excerpt:
But Sussex Police launched its Operation Roller initiative late last year to tackle bad and dangerous driving.

The force aims to crack down on car owners guilty of anti-social driving, including speeding, tailgating and undertaking. Unmarked patrols have been out in force along the M23 and A23, scanning number plates and handing out warnings to bad drivers.
Source: Fewer accidents but road deaths increase (The Argus (UK), 1/5/2005)

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