Red Light Camera and Speed Camera CrimeLineTimeline of criminal indictments, trials and accusations surrounding the companies and individuals responsible for photo enforcement. Updated 9/21

Red light cameras and speed cameras are usually presented as tools of law enforcement, but these devices at times are operated with a disregard for the law. Below are highlights of the automated ticketing industry employees and public officials who have been caught or accused of wrongdoing. Their stories, presented chronologically below, include FCC fines, licensing violations, fraud convictions, bribery convictions and more.
September 2021
A jury in Cordoba, Argentina convicted Carlos Hector Borgobello, the sitting mayor of Estacion General Paz, of forging tickets using a speed camera. He received a three-year conditional prison sentence. Two speed camera officials were also sentenced. more
May 2021
Federal prosecutors upped the charges against Illinois political operative Patrick J. Doherty for taking money from the co-founder of Safespeed and passing it as a bribe to influence an Oak Lawn trustee to install red light cameras. more
April 2021
Federal prosecutors charged Worth Township, Illinois supervisor John O'Sullivan with taking red light camera bribes from the co-founder of Safespeed. more
September 2020
Federal prosecutors charged Safespeed co-founder Omar Maani with bribing local Illinois officials to install red light cameras. more
August 2020
Terrance P. Link, the state senator who introduced the bill allowing the installation of speed cameras in Illinois, was charged by federal prosecutors with fraud. more
FBI captured Crestwood, Illinois, Mayor Louis Presta accepting red light camera bribes on video. He was charged with corruption and tax fraud. more
June 2020
Louisiana attorney Richard Reynolds enters guilty plea to the charge of misprison of a felony for concealing the bribery used to install school bus stop-arm cameras in Dallas, Texas. more
February 2020
Bradley Paul Smith, a 36-year-old speed camera van driver with the North Yorkshire, England, police entered a guilty plea on February 10 to possession of child pornography and uploading such photos while on duty. more
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, police officer John Sears flipped his car and flattened a speed camera while driving drunk. more
January 2020
Illinois state Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Martin A. Sandoval enters a guilty plea to the charge of accepting bribes from Safespeed in return for his work in killing legislation that would have banned or limited the use of automated ticketing machines. more Outcome: Sandoval died before being sentenced.
Winnipeg, Canada, police Sergeant Sean Cassidy was arrested and charged with accessing the speed camera ticket database to delete his own citation. more
In Zambia, photo enforcement vendor Intelligent Mobility Solutions Limited CEO Walid El Nahas was arrested for offering an $10,000 bribe to Road Transport and Safety Agency CEO Zindaba Soko in return for his approval of a lucrative speed camera contract. Soko was charged with accepting the bribe.
December 2019
Varnsdorf, Czech Republic Mayor Stanislav Horacek was arrested on corruption charges related to the speed camera contract with Water Solar Technology. more
September 2019
Federal agents raided city halls in suburban Chicago, Illinois, in a wide-ranging investigation involving SafeSpeed, a UK-based red light camera contractor, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
Edmonton, Canada, photo radar supervisor Paul Derksen was found guilty of kidnapping and sexual assault for posing as a police officer to attack a 27-year-old female motorist.
August 2019
Redlex Traffic Systems was ordered to immediately stop practicing engineering without a license in Colorado. more
July 2019
Montgomery County, Maryland's inspector general issues report questioning the propriety of the deal county officials struck with convicted felons to turn school buses into automated ticketing platform. more
June 2019
Florida Auditor General issues report documenting misuse of red light camera ticket profit in Opa-Locka. more
May 2019
American Traffic Solutions engineer Robert F. Rennebaum was fined $5000 by the North Carolina engineering board for "gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct" in attaching his seal to red light camera work that he did not directly supervise. more
Whistleblower exposes corruption in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania red light camera program, including rigged audits and contract bidding irregularities. more
German lawyers produce evidence showing speed camera evidence was manpipulated after the fact to cover up inaccurate speed readings. more
Washington, DC police Sergeant Mark Robinson is vindicated with a court decision that concluded the city retaliated against him after he blew the whistle on corruption in the city's speed camera program. more
January 2019
Maryland Office of Legislative Audits issues report documenting contract irregularities in the statewide freeway speed camera program. more
2018: Dallas, Texas Bus Camera Scandal
The Federal Bureau of Investigation exposed a massive corruption scandal involving school bus stop arm cameras in Dallas. Read the FBI's account of the takedown here. The following players were sentenced to prison for their roles:
Robert Carl Leonard Jr, the CEO of bus camera provider Force Multiplier Solutions was convicted of bribing Dallas officials to secure a photo ticketing deal that earned his company $70 million.
Though she was not charged, Leonard's wife was also involved in the scandal. She signed checks that were sent to many politicians, including several outside of Texas. more
Ricky Dale Sorrells, then Dallas County Schools superintendent was convicted for taking $3 million in kickbacks from Leonard in return for signing the school bus ticketing camera contract that ultimately caused the dissolution of Dallas County Schools.
Larry Duncan, then the Dallas County Schools board president and a former city councilman, was convicted for embezzling $245,000 in campaign contributions from Leonard in return for his help advancing the bus cameras deal.
Dwaine Caraway, then a powerful member of the Dallas city council, was convicted of taking $450,000 in bribes from Force Multiplier Solutions. His vocal advocacy of automated ticketing helped sway fellow council members into approving the ticketing program that proved financially disastrous.
Slater Washburn Swartwood Sr was convicted for laundering money to help conceal the bribery payments to Dallas County Schools and to Caraway.
November 2018
North Carolina engineering board accuses American Traffic Solutions of misconduct for practicing engineering without a license. more.
September 2018
France's National Financial Prosecutor opens investigation into the corruption surrounding speed camera equipment contracts. more
December 2017
Pennsylvania Auditor General issues report exposing corruption in the Philadelphia red light camera program, including self-dealing by the officials in charge of the cameras. more
New executive team at American Traffic Solutions caught ignoring their own speed camera tickets. more
July 2017
Virginia Beach, Virginia, caught destroying records related to the red light program that are required under state law. more
May 2017
Texas cops caught taking overtime payments and free meals for lobbying the legislature in favor of photo enforcement. more
March 2017
Virginia Department of Transportation admonishes the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) for setting up photo radar on Virginia highways in violation of state law. more
January 2017
American Traffic Solutions employee sues for back pay after California declares the company in violation of the state's prevailing wage law. more
June 2016
Smith County, Texas Judge Joel Patrick Baker was arrested and later convicted for arranging a deal with American Traffic Solutions (ATS) to install speed cameras during a meeting held in violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act. more Outcome: Texas Court of Appeals in 2017 said Smith County cannot conceal the speed camera meeting recordings and documents. view ruling
Xerox sues Cleveland, Ohio, for failing to pay $9 million in speed camera fees after 78 percent of voters passed a measure outlawing the devices in 2014. more
May 2016
The Texas Board of Professional Engineers reprimanded Robert B. Zaitooni, then the engineering manager at American Traffic Solutions (ATS), for misconduct related to a red light camera study in the city of Magnolia. more
March 2016
Arizona attorney general issues ruling that photo enforcement companies have been violating a state law that requires them to acquire private investigator licenses. more Outcome: After shutting down operations for two months, the companies acquire licenses.
Redflex forced to pay $3.5 million after being busted using illegal robocalls to collect on unpaid speed camera tickets in New Mexico. more
January 2016
Montgomery County, Maryland, police captain caught editing letters to the editor praising speed cameras in order to give the appearance that the public supports the program. more
August 2015
Iowa towns caught ignoring South Dakota law prohibiting the use of driver's license information for the purpose of issuing speed camera tickets. more
April 2015
Speed camera company employee Marie A. Mdamu sues American Traffic Solutions for discriminating against the disabled. more
January 2015
Willis, Texas, police chief intervenes to cancel a red light camera ticket issued to Mayor Leonard Reed's private sector boss. more
2014 Redflex bribery scandal in Chicago and Ohio
A Federal Bureau of Investigation into the practices of Redflex Traffic Systems revealed that the firm delivered bribes to politicians in Chicago, Ilinois, and Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio. The company admitted its US operation lied to public officials, and the firm's executive vice president admitted that bribes were also issued in other states, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Tennessee, Virginia and Washington. Read the FBI's account of how it took down Redflex for corruption here.
Karen Finley, former head of US operations for Redflex, was charged with nine counts of mail fraud, three counts of wire fraud, three counts of bribery and one count of conspiracy to use bribes to win and expand a lucrative red light camera contract with Chicago, Illinois. Outcome: she was found guilty, fined $2 million and was released from federal prison in 2018. more
Chicago transportation official John Bills was convicted of accepting $2 million in Redflex bribes in return for his help in ensuring Redflex won the lucrative red light camera contract. He received extra money every time a new red light camera was installed. more
Redflex contractor Martin O'Malley admitted that he helped deliver $2 million in bribes to the Chicago, Illinois official in charge of the red light camera program. more
Redflex executive vice president Aaron M. Rosenberg was convicted of orchestrating the bribery program, but he avoided jail time because he turned evidence against his former colleagues. In 2018 he lost a bid to collect a reward for cooperating with authorities. more
Redflex lobbyist John P. Raphael was convicted in 2016 of soliciting bribes from Redflex for distribution to politicians in Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio. Because he refused to turn on those politicians, they escaped being charged with accepting the bribes. more
December 2014
Inspector general for the city of Baltimore, Maryland charges mayor's chief of staff with "inappropriate activity" to favor speed camera vendor Xerox. more
November 2014
Irish government's Equality Tribunal imposes $34,600 fine against the Go Safe speed camera consortium, of which Redflex is a member, over workplace discrimination. more
October 2014
Federal court orders East Cleveland, Ohio to pay bankrupt speed camera vendor Nestor Traffic Systems $683,093. more
September 2014
Former employees sue American Traffic Solutions after the California Department of Industrial Relations ruled the photo ticketing company violated state labor laws. more
May 2014
Redflex caught using a "violation calculator" to decide where to place red light cameras and make the most money. more
April 2014
US Department of Labor finds that Redflex fired three US employees so it could hire replacements in Australia at a lower cost. more
March 2014
California Department of Industrial Relations fines Redflex and ATS for failing to pay contractors prevailing wage rates, despite a contractual obligation to do so. more
February 2014
Andrea Saroldi, a police commander in Spotorno, Italy is arrested and charged with extortion, bribery and fraud related to speed camera contracts. more
Catherine Petzel sues Redflex alleging she was fired because of a racial bias among the company's leadership. more Outcome: Petzel loses in court.
January 2014
Connecticut Judicial Branch issues a cease and desist order to Redflex after the company's school bus photo enforcement website and citation documents falsely gave the impression that the items came from the court. Outcome: Redflex changed its citation and website and the order was lifted in June. more
Former Redflex Executive Vice President Aaron M. Rosenberg admits he bribed officials in more than ten states in a process that was institutionalized at the company. more
October 2013
American Traffic Solutions found using false threats in the citations the company issued to Texas residents. more
July 2013
European Court of Human Rights fines the Latvian for harassing a journalist who exposed irregularities in speed camera procurement. more
UK Statistics Authority report slams government of Scotland for producing misleading speed camera safety claims. more
June 2013
City inspector general in New Orleans, Louisiana, catches cops setting up a personal company to profit from red light cameras in violation of city ethics code. more
Richard Retting, author of the Insurance Institute studies claiming red light cameras have a safety benefit, is paid by camera company to lobby California lawmakers. more
May 2013
Maryland's Open Meetings Compliance Board found the city of Baltimore guilty of violating state law when it held secret meetings of a speed camera advisory task force. more
UK Advertising Standards Authority orders speed camera firm Vysionics to stop using false accident reduction claims in its advertising material. more
March 2013
Scandal hits Jefferson Parish, Louisiana when councilman reveals that Redflex had paid a 3.2 percent cut of the firm's profit on each ticket issued to lobbyist Bryan Wagner, a former New Orleans city councilman, who in turn shared the funds with the wife of District Judge Robert Murphy. more
Redflex chairman admits to bribery in two more cities besides Chicago, Illinois. more Top Redflex executives are fired over bribery scandal. more
Hamilton County, Ohio sheriff confiscates illegally operating speed cameras following ruling by Judge Robert P. Ruehlman (view ruling). Outcome: Optotraffic drops lawsuit against sheriff. more
February 2013
Redflex files a lawsuit against its own former executive vice president accusing him of "dishonest and unethical acts." more
US Postal Service declares itself immune to speed camera tickets. more
ATS settles with New Jersey motorists over illegal operation of red light cameras. more
December 2012
Secret audit in Baltimore, Maryland reveals 5.2 percent of speed camera ticket recipients were actually innocent. more
Redflex charges photo ticket recipients $670 in "travel expenses" if they asked to confront the witnesses against them in court under the Sixth Amendment. more
December 2012
Redflex takes credit for drafting red light camera "reform" law in California. more
B and W Sensors Inc and American Traffic Solutions sue each other for patent theft. more
October 2012
Riverdale Park, Maryland defends the city's practice of forging a police officer's signature on speed camera citations while he was on vacation. more
South Carolina State Ethics Commission threatens photo enforcement executive William B. Danzell over delinquent fines for lobbyist disclosure violations. more
August 2012
The New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics fined Redflex after the Australian firm was caught evading state campaign finance laws requiring disclosure of lobbying activity. more
Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department officer David Cephas pleaded guilty to falsifying speed camera calibration logs in 2008 and 2009, affecting 200 photo radar tickets. more
July 2012
American Traffic Solutions Vice President Bill Kroske exposed making "sock puppet" online posts where he posed as an ordinary citizen who favored speed cameras. more
May 2012
League City, Texas challenged for spending "traffic safety" funds from photo ticketing on body armor and assault rifles. more
February 2012
Atlanta, Georgia stops collecting on red light camera tickets after being caught ignoring a state law requiring the use of certified mail for second ticket notices. more
B and W Sensors sends email to city leaders arguing that red light cameras and speed cameras are a solution for cities with budgetary problems. more
January 2012
Greg Williams, assistant district attorney in Lafayette, Louisiana who served as an adjudicator for red light camera cases, pleaded guilty to bribery charges. more
December 2011
Bellwood, Illinois village manager Roy F. McCampbell accused of corruption as part of a scandal that included the signing of a lucrative red light camera contract. more
Seven police chiefs, red light camera company officials and consultants are arrested for corruption in Frosinone and Isola del Liri, Italy. more
September 2011
According to emails, Lynnwood, Washington Police Sergeant Wayne "Kawika" Davis sought to ingratiate themselves with the photo ticketing firm in the apparent hopes of landing a lucrative job in return for their service. more Outcome: city clears itself of wrongdoing
Missouri Families for Safer Roads exposed as a front group for American Traffic Solutions. more
In Milan, Italy, fifteen mayors, cops, speed camera company employees ordered to stand trial for manipulating of speed camera equipment to enhance revenue generation. more
August 2011
Whatcom County, Washington Superior Court judge fines American Traffic Solutions for using the courts to interfere with the elections process. Outcome: reversed on appeal. more
July 2011
Author of the first and most prominent studies claiming a benefit to red light cameras is listed as a "partner" with the photo ticketing firm Brekford. more
June 2011
American Traffic Solutions sues former Senior Vice President Michael J. Lenza for lining up clients for himself while working for ATS. Lenza received a 0.5 percent cut of ATS revenue for every ticket issued in his region. more
April 2011
An employee of photo enforcement vendor Serco was arrested in Victoria, Australia after being accused of adjusting the speed readings in a database 67,541 photo tickets. more
Traffic Safety Coalition revealed to be a front group for Redflex run by the highly connected Chicago, Illinois public relations firm Resolute Consulting. Company officials have ties to current Mayor Rahm Emanuel and former Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was imprisoned on corruption charges. more
March 2011
National Coalition for Safer Roads exposed as a front group for American Traffic Solutions run by lobbyist David Kelly. more
Politicians, senior police and top bankers belonging to an elite group known as The Brotherhood have their speed camera tickets automatically canceled, according to the Ombudsman for Victoria, Australia. more
February 2011
North Carolina Court of Appeals clears ACS and Fayetteville in the death of Elizabeth May who was struck and killed by a red light camera in a traffic accident. more
December 2010
Helmut Knoner, a district judge in Herford, Germany, is relieved of duty after he acquited 42 motorists because he believed the speed camera tickets lacked a solid legal foundation and for his public criticism of automated ticketing machines. more
October 2010
William B. Danzell, the former CEO of bankrupt traffic camera vendor Nestor Traffic Systems, sues for back salary after the board of directors ousts him in 2007. more Outcome: In April 2011, a federal judge issues Danzell a default judgment of $663,218. more
May 2010
American Traffic Solutions loses false advertising lawsuit against Redflex, which was filed after ATS learned Redflex had illegally used uncertified radar units for more than a decade. more
October 2010
Oak Ridge, Tennessee Police Chief David Beams admits receiving an all-expense paid vacation at the Ritz Carlton in Arizona, while collecting his on-duty salary, in return for court testimony that favored Redflex. more
September 2010
American Traffic Solutions files legal brief arguing that Texas ballot initiatives challenging automated enforcement programs are racist. more Outcome: A majority of Houston and Baytown residents vote to oust red light cameras. more
July 2010
Ethics complaint filed against Texas state Representative Linda Harper-Brown for accepting unreported gratuities -- including a brand new Mercedes E550 sedan -- from a traffic camera firm in return for playing the decisive role in establishing the automated ticketing industry in the Lone Star State. more
Ridgeland, South Carolina defies state law banning automated enforcement and sets up speed cameras on Interstate 95. more Outcome: In the next legislative session, a new law passed unanimously to outlaw Ridgeland's cameras. more
November 2009
Federal Highway Administration rules that "violation lines" used in the middle of red light camera intersections in Tucson, Arizona violate federal law. more
Baltimore, Maryland accuses American Traffic Solutions of holding the city's red light cameras hostage. more
Angry shareholders oust three top Redflex officials. more
September 2009
YouTube video captures a Redflex speed camera van driving recklessly. more
July 2009
UK police officer admits in court that he falsified official documents used as proof that speed camera tickets were mailed within statutory deadlines. more
June 2009
College Station, Texas police Chief Michael Clancey sues after being fired for criticizing red light cameras. more
April 2009
Arizona Legislative Council report says red light camera vendors need private investigator licenses. more
Four photo ticketing firms spent $555,106 in campaign donations and lobbying for a statewide law authorizing the use of speed cameras. more
Duncanville, Texas Councilman Paul Ford arrested at meeting for speaking out against red light cameras. more
April 2009
Nestor Traffic Systems caught stiffing subcontractors who installed red light camera equipment. more
January 2009
Alberta, Canada's Office of The Information and Privacy Commissioner orders the city of Edmonton to release speed camera manuals to the public. more
December 2008
Redflex Traffic Systems agreed to pay the Federal Communications Commission $22,000 and to train its employees in US rules and regulations governing radar in order to settle a complaint against the Australian camera firm's illegal use of uncertified radar equipment. more
A Dallas County court ruled that Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) has been operating its red light camera business without a private investigator's license in violation of state law. Outcome: The case is ongoing. more
An appellate decision by the California Superior Court, found "cost neutrality" provisions common to more than forty photo enforcement contracts in the state to be illegal. In this case, Nestor's contract with Fullerton was found in violation of state law. Outcome: photo ticket ruled invalid. Outcome: Further court challenges ongoing. more
November 2008
Executives at photo enforcement firms American Traffic Solutions (ATS) and Redflex were caught ignoring their own speed camera tickets. Outcome: In a notable exception, ATS President Jim Tuton went to traffic school in December for a ticket he received from his own company. Court records show it was ignored initially. more
Washington, DC's Inspector General found the city's process for awarding the photo enforcement contract to ATS was riddled with errors. Outcome: No action taken. more
Arizona Treasurer declares the state's freeway speed camera law unconstitutional. Article 9, Section 22 of the Arizona constitution requires a super-majority vote of the legislature to adopt any provision that provides a net increase in revenue. No such vote was taken. Outcome: Ongoing. more
September 2008
A Redflex employee is busted for drunk driving in Scottsdale, Arizona while in a speed camera van on his way to ticket other motorists. Outcome: Redflex fired employee. Court case pending. more
Photo ticket process server, an officer of the Arizona court system, caught on tape yelling racist slurs at a motorist. Outcome: no action taken. more
US Attorney busted a police officer for embezzling $178,611 from the Washington, DC speed camera program. The officer was accused of claiming to have sat in the ACS/ATS speed camera car for 3400 hours; this did not actually take place. Outcome: Officer admitted guilt and faces jail time and fine. more
August 2008
In its own words, Redflex attempted to land illegal contract in Florida. The company stated, "Legal opinions indicate that automated enforcement in the state of Florida remains illegal" but nonetheless filed an application with Homestead, Florida to operate the city's red light cameras. Outcome: Homestead in September chose ATS. more
July 2008
Arizona Secretary of State confirmed that documents used to convict motorists of speeding in Lafayette, Louisiana contained elements that had been falsified. The Secretary's office rules that Redflex's notary public violated four Arizona laws while purporting to certify a speed camera deployment form for use in official hearings. Outcome: Redflex fired its notary. more
The UK Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), a government agency, determined that a speed camera operator, desperate to keep his position as the top ticket issuer, manipulated evidence to obtain more convictions from innocent drivers. Outcome: IPCC ordered £35,585 in refunds to victimized motorists, plus the cancellation of 1635 license points. No action taken against the operator. more
May 2008
Louisiana State Board of Private Investigator Examiners ruled that Redflex violated state law by operating without a private investigator's license. Outcome: Court decision pending. more
January 2008
Redflex accused of mail fraud in Louisiana for using the phrase "official government business" on ticket envelopes, in violation of federal statutes. more
September 2007
Tarrant County, Texas District Attorney investigated possible open meeting law violations by mayor of Mansfield who lobbied behind the scenes to ram a red light camera contract through the city council. Outcome: The camera contract failed, but no action was taken against the mayor. more
May 2007
Texas Senate committee learn in an open hearing that a city police officer was receiving his full-time police salary from Nestor Traffic Systems. Outcome: Committee informed officer that he should retain legal counsel. more
City traffic engineer in Kansas City, Missouri lobbied city council to install red light cameras, then left a few months later to work for German speed camera vendor Traffipax. Former engineer then violated ethics rules by attempting to lobby the city to choose Traffipax as the camera vendor before a one-year lobbying prohibition had expired. Outcome: none. more
April 2007
Unanimous Minnesota Supreme Court ruling found that the Minneapolis red light camera program's elimination of the presumption of innocence was illegal. more
March 2007
ACS accused of vandalizing Washington, DC speed camera and red light camera equipment after the city dumped the company as its photo ticketing operator in favor of a rival firm. more in PDF
January 2007
Jay Morris Specter, a top red light camera salesman formerly with ATS and then Redflex, was convicted in South Carolina of $1.2 million in fraud. ATS had suspicions about Specter. "We terminated his contract," ATS spokesman Josh Weiss told TheNewspaper, referring to the company's action prior to the conviction. "We even called over to Redflex and warned them about Specter. Needless to say, they ignored us." Outcome: Specter was released from prison in September 2010. more
November 2006
Two police officers killed a retired college professor in an accident caused while testing a new speed camera. The UK Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigated the possibility of criminal charges. Outcome: In October 2008, the police driver was found guilty of "careless driving," fined £500, and given a two-year license suspension. Serious charges were dismissed, but both officers received a written warning from the police superintendent. more
The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Affiliated Computer Services resigned after admitting to stock option fraud. Outcome: CFO received $1 million and CEO $3.2 million for their stock options on top of a salary lasting through June 2007. more
Cape Town newspaper runs front page expose on lavish "booze cruise" thrown for 28 South African police officers by speed camera vendor Labat Traffic Solutions. more
August 2006
St. Peters, Missouri mayor caught on tape soliciting a cash bribe in return for his signature on a red light camera ordinance. Outcome: Former mayor was released to a halfway house in May 2008 and then released fully in August. more
July 2006
UK Statistics Commission slams Department for Transport (DfT) for using bogus numbers to promote the effectiveness of speed cameras. Outcome: DfT continues to use inflated figures. more
June 2006
UK Advertising Standards Agency charged Greater Manchester police with dishonest advertising in material promoting the use of speed cameras. more
A pair of Edmonton, Canada police officers along with camera vendor Affiliated Computer Services faced charges in an alleged bribery scheme. The officers accepted lavish gifts from ACS -- including travel, sports tickets and female escort services -- in return for a recommendation that ACS be given a no-bid, $90 million photo ticketing contract. Outcome: In October 2008, a judge let the police officers and ACS off the hook without bringing the case to a jury. Even before this trial outcome, the Kiwanis Club in December 2007 gave one of the officers involved its "top cop" award. more
May 2006
Police Complaints Authority investigated allegations that an unsworn South Australian police employee attempted to run down a motorist while behind the wheel of a mobile speed camera vehicle. more
December 2005
UK Department for Transport (DfT) admitted that 80 percent of claimed reductions in accidents that the department attributed to the benefit of speed cameras was actually due to a statistical error known as "regression to the mean." Outcome: DfT continues to use the same statistics. more
November 2005
Cranston, Rhode Island mayor dropped a no-bid speed camera contract with Nestor Traffic Systems after reports revealed that the company had made substantial campaign donations to the mayor's primary challenge for a US Senate seat. Outcome: The mayor lost the primary. more
May 2005
Parliament questioned why a top cop in New South Wales, Australia was buying stock in Redflex, the Australian photo enforcement company. Outcome: Police cleared the police traffic services commander superintendent of wrongdoing. more
December 2004
A Shropshire, UK speed camera van that had just issued thirty tickets to motorists was itself ticketed for doing 65 MPH in a 50 zone. A private citizen similarly recorded a Scottish speed camera van doing 45 MPH in a 30 zone. Outcome: No action taken. more
November 2004
Edmonton, Canada police officers were investigated after setting up the "Overtime Bar" sting designed to frame an Edmonton Sun columnist for drunk driving. A police sergeant admitted under oath that he used the police database to gather information on the columnist because he had criticized photo radar. Outcome: In December 2005, police investigating the police involved in the sting absolved police of wrongdoing. more