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Alberta Premier Runs Red Light During Photo Op
Alberta, Canada Premier Ralph Klein runs a red light as he demonstrates the fuel efficiency of the Smart Car.

Premier Ralph Klein
Premier Ralph Klein, the top elected official in Alberta, Canada, was caught running a red light during a photo opportunity intended to demonstrate the fuel efficiency of the Smart Car. Klein blasted through a red light as he drove from Government House to the Legislature.

"Unfortunately I was so enthralled with the car that I went through a pink light -- you know, that sort of yellow and red?" he said to the Edmonton Sun. Sun photographers were stopped at the light on 116 Street when the Premier blew past. The intersection is equipped with a red light camera, but it photographs drivers only from the south. Klein's car was eastbound.

Klein said he was not elected on his driving skills.

Source: Smart Car, dumb driver (Edmonton Sun, 10/20/2005)

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