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UK: Trucks Cause False Speed Camera Readings
False speed tickets are generated by Gatso-brand speed cameras in Lancashire, UK.

Vibrations from trucks are creating false speed camera readings in Lancashire, UK. The Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety, which operates the devices, admits the problem is a known phenomenon called the "shutter effect."

The effect is generated by vibrations from heavy vehicles that create a false reading of speeds between 60 and 80 MPH with the radar camera. Most recently, the effect was seen on the A59 near Preston as heavy truck traffic caused the speed camera positioned there to flash every passing vehicle.

Although the Lancashire camera operators claim no false tickets have been issued, the same problem forced New South Wales, Australia officials to dismiss twenty-six inaccurate fines in March caused by truck and bus vibrations. For instance, one bus ticketed for driving 87 km/h was found in testing to have a maximum speed of 82 km/h. The camera in question, which generated A$1 million in annual revenue, was eventually removed.

Source: Rumble in the bungle (Lancashire Evening Post (UK), 11/1/2005)

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