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Police Hunting for Buffalo, New York Parking Protester
Parking ticket protester is now on the run from the police in Buffalo, New York.

Parking ticket
Police in Buffalo, New York are searching for a man who has placed leaflets on automobile windows complaining about the city's parking ticket crackdown. In a dispute over pay, Buffalo police officers have been issuing tickets at more than triple the ordinary pace.

The protest leaflet looks like a legitimate parking ticket, but instead contains a message advising motorists to fight every ticket in order to curb the over-zealous policy currently in effect. "The next time you're targeted by the police for a parking ticket, plead not guilty," the leaflet reads. "We can protest their protest by flooding the courthouse."

Police who have been targeting media organizations reporting on the controversy for additional ticketing immediately began searching for the man distributing the leaflet.

Source: Protest of Police Officers' Recent Ticket Blitzes (WIVB-TV (Buffalo, NY), 3/12/2006)

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