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Australia: Speed Camera Operators Frightened
Man twice threatens to ram a speed camera operator with his automobile.

Holden Commodore
Employees for speed camera vendor Tenix were frightened while manning a speed trap after a man threatened to mow them down with his silver Holden Commodore sedan on March 17 at 4pm and again the next day at 10am in Tullamarine, Australia. The man drove toward the crew, braked suddenly, and let loose with a string of threats, according to the camera operator's account.

"Don't worry mate I know where you are," the Holden driver reportedly said. "I'll find out where you live. I'll get you, you better believe it."

According to police, threats to speed camera operators have been on the rise since cameras were re-activated on the Western Ring Road. In 2003, VicRoads officials issued 90,000 refunds to motorists wrongly accused by an inaccurate photo ticketing machine on that road. Some 2500 innocent drivers lost their right to drive as a result of the mistake.

Source: Threats to speed camera staff (Herald Sun (Victoria, Australia), 4/4/2006)

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