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UK: Speed Camera Promoter Fights Speeding Ticket
The mastermind of a $145,000 anti-speeding advertising campaign is fighting his own speeding ticket as unjust.

Trevor Shepherd
Trevor Shepherd, 38, the UK advertising executive behind several speed camera promotional campaigns, is now fighting a ticket he received in a speed trap while on a Sunday morning ride. Macclesfield Police hiding behind a garden wall on the A537 in Buxton clocked Shepherd's Suzuki motorcycle at 46 MPH in a 30 zone. Police stand by their tactics and the accuracy of their claim.

Shepherd says police violated their own rules by hiding and that the speed gun used was not type approved for measuring the speed of motorcycles. He refuses to pay the £60 (US $110) ticket without a challenge.

Shepherd masterminded a £80,000 (US $145,000) advertising campaign that ran between May and June this year that included radio ads, posters and a fifteen-feet tall inflatable grim reaper surrounded by supporters dressed as grim reapers handing out pamphlets that read, "Carry On Speeding And You're Dancing With Death." (View image)

"This is the reality of modern speeding offences," said Paul Smith, founder of the Safe Speed road safety campaign. "Responsible drivers everywhere are at significant risk of prosecution even though they are driving perfectly safely. Sometimes they are prosecuted by dodgy equipment or procedures, or when the speed limit isn't even properly signed. Give 'em hell, Trevor, they deserve it."

Source: Biker claims officer hid behind a wall (Macclesfield Express (UK), 7/13/2006)

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