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Indiana: City Clerk Traps Disabled Man
Gary, Indiana city clerk traps disabled man for more than an hour by illegally parking a government vehicle at a department store.

Illegal parking
The illegal parking of a city official in Gary, Indiana trapped a disabled man for more than an hour on Friday evening. City Clerk Suzette Raggs had been in a hurry to do some shopping at Westfield Southlake Mall. She parked her official Ford Crown Victoria with police license plates near the entrance to Macy's, using the space next to a handicapped parking spot designated for use of motorists who require wheelchair access.

Raggs' government vehicle blocked Larry Horvath, 67, from accessing his van and leaving the mall until she returned. Hobart Police Sergeant Gregory Viator issued a $90 ticket to Raggs for illegal parking.

"This poor guy was stranded," Viator told the Merrillville Post-Tribune.

Raggs is running for re-election in a May primary.

Source: Mall trip costs Gary city official parking ticket from Hobart cop (Merrillville Post-Tribune (IN), 2/27/2007)

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